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A Realistic Strategy to Remove Credit Inquiries Fast

Inquiries can remain on your credit report for up to two years, wreaking havoc on your creditworthiness the entire time. Each inquiry that’s made gets recorded by the three major credit bureaus – Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Every time a new inquiry gets logged, it can potentially damage your credit score. Therefore, it’s very important to remove credit inquiries fast, before their presence makes financing impossible.

What Happens If You Don’t Remove Credit Inquiries Fast?

The prevalence of too many hard inquiries on a consumer’s credit report is notorious for getting applicants denied for funding, insurance policies, rentals, and even some jobs. As such, it’s vital to remove credit inquiries fast while remaining on the right side of the law. This strategy is often used to prevent potentially frustrating financial or legal ramifications.

At the bottom of your credit report is a section called “Credit Inquiries” which lists how many soft and hard inquiries you have at any given moment. Hard inquiries do the most damage to your credit scores and are generated each time a company checks your credit for a loan or credit card. Once they add up, they can reduce your overall credit score by several points. In fact, hard inquiries account for as much as 10% of your total score.

While the number of hard inquiries listed in this section of your credit report affects your scores directly, other factors contribute to your rating as well. Those factors are as follows:

· Number of New Accounts

· Length of Time Since You Opened a New Account

· Length of Time Between Inquiries

· Length of Time Since Your Last Inquiry

Although the above factors contribute to your overall score, the number of hard inquiries present on your credit report is perhaps the easiest one to manage. To remove credit inquiries effectively, there is a tried and true strategy that’s often used by the most financially stable among us. It involves hiring a hard inquiry removal service, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s also important to find the best service provider to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Reputable hard inquiry removal service providers know how to dispute a credit inquiry legitimately and quickly. Most of the time, they require little to no effort on your part.

What Does It Mean to Remove Credit Inquiries Fast?

To remove credit inquiries fast means doing it in a quick and efficient manner, and it usually involves using a team of financial experts. However, it doesn’t mean that the inquiries get removed immediately. Experts are often hired because the process of inquiry removal is somewhat complicated, and highly-trained professionals know how to dispute a credit inquiry until it disappears from your credit report.

While the length of time required to successfully remove credit inquiries will vary depending on the client’s preferences, their agreed upon plan of action, and their initial credit standing, the best hard inquiry removal service can complete the process in as little as a few weeks. Once the inquiry removal process is complete, consumers will likely enjoy a boost to their credit scores that would have otherwise taken several months or even years to achieve.

Knowing how to dispute a credit inquiry effectively is not something that many consumers fully understand, so hiring a hard inquiry removal service can expedite the process significantly. Well-trained service providers tend to formulate a plan quickly and then execute that plan with diligent professionalism. Furthermore, having a credit repair company act on your behalf gets the attention of creditors a lot more than simply submitting disputes on your own.

How to Find a Company That Can Successfully Remove Credit Inquiries Fast

As mentioned, simply hiring any hard inquiry removal service you come across is not likely to render the results you’re looking for. To remove credit inquiries fast, legitimately, and at a price that suits the budget, it’s essential that you research your options before handing over any money. Not all hard inquiry removal service providers are the same, so it’s better to practice due diligence with a proactive approach than it is to make up for lost time (and lost cash) later.

Most companies promise quick results and affordable pricing, but that’s the oldest marketing trick in the book. To discover the right team of experts, look for the following attributes:

· Round the Clock Customer Service

Any company that promises to remove credit inquiries fast will also provide 24/7/365 customer support to all their clients. If you can’t get ahold of someone when you have a question or concern, it’s probably best to try your luck elsewhere. Put simply, transparency is the most obvious way to determine whether you’ve hired the right hard inquiry removal service.

· Cost-Free Credit Analysis

No credit repair company can even begin to remove credit inquiries fast if they haven’t first looked over your credit report. A comprehensive credit analysis should be a standard part of the process. Furthermore, it should never cost you a thing nor should it be deemed as a service agreement of any kind.

· Formulation of a Practical Timeline

While some service providers promise inquiry removal within hours or days, the legitimate companies know that the process may take longer than that. Clients should be given a practical timeline of a few weeks at minimum, but that timeline will depend on your current credit standing and how quickly you want to start. Anything short of that is a sign of incomplete work and/or possible fraud.

· Continual Work Until the Job Is Done

Although a timeline may be put in place, the best hard inquiry removal service will tell you upfront that it may take longer. To successfully remove credit inquiries fast, it often requires the continual submission of disputes to stubborn creditors. Look for an inquiry removal company that is dedicated to completion, even if it means repeating the process several times. Luckily, the right company can do all of that quickly and efficiently.

· Realistic Financial Advice

Sometimes, it takes a little financial advice to successfully remove credit inquiries fast and permanently, not to mention to make the most of the improvements made. The right credit repair company will host a team of financial experts who understand how the industry works and what creditors look for during the underwriting process. Therefore, you may initiate the process for only inquiry removal but come out having hired the company for several other services.

· Network of Lenders

After the credit repair company has helped you remove credit inquiries fast, they should also be connected to a large network of lenders who are willing and able to offer you substantial lines of unsecured credit. Any company offering such services is both well-established and respectable.

This article was written for Grand Teton Professionals for Inquiry Busters. For Credit Repair Solutions and Support, please contact us at 203-599-4157 or email us at For Media Relations, please contact

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